Wednesday, 12 June 2013
Friday, 1 February 2013
Monday, 5 November 2012
How heartbreak affects your health
A broken heart can cause emotional and physical trauma to the heart and affect your health too.
The second he said adios, your adrenal glands started churning out the hormones cortisol and adrenaline, the costars of the body's fight-or-flight stress response. Depending on how bad the breakup was, your stress hormones are anywhere from simmering to skyrocketing (a reaction that, like all of the below, can settle down after a few days or last for years)--and they're likely ratcheting up your blood pressure.
It's like clockwork: Your eyes hit that photo of the two of you and--boom! awful stomach pit. You feel sick, yet you can't look away. That's because the moment you saw his face, blood started rushing to your brain's pleasure center, the ventral segmental area. These are all the good times talking.
The command center for craving and longing also lights up. It demands attention--one reason you're obsessed with driving by your ex's house, stalking his Facebook page, or trying to replace him with some other satisfier.
But rejection also sends blood flow to two other areas: the secondary somatosensory cortex and the dorsal posterior insula, both involved in producing physical pain. That's why you may feel achy all over, not just in your heart.
Initially crowded out by the above responses, your left prefrontal cortex slowly starts to light up. This part of your brain is responsible for reassessment and evaluation--the one saying, Maybe it's for the best. A mere whisper now, this signal will get stronger as time goes on.
Your stressed-out nervous system signals your digestion to slow way down. Your stomach hurts, and you have zero appetite--except maybe for that pint of ice cream.
Immune System
The stress of rejection might agitate your body's immune system, leading to cell-damaging inflammation. The parts of your immune system that fight infection and keep viruses under control start to lose steam. You may get sick or develop a cold sore.
That free-flowing cortisol? It's triggering a pore-clogging oil buildup underneath your skin. Hence, why a broken heart is often accompanied by acne.
If you're totally devastated, some of the hair follicles on your head could enter a state called telogen effluvium. That's medspeak for "resting phase," in which your strands stop growing or, after a while, start falling out.
Don't worry. Soon enough, it will have you thinking, Yes, it was for the best. You'll grow new hair--and find new love.
The second he said adios, your adrenal glands started churning out the hormones cortisol and adrenaline, the costars of the body's fight-or-flight stress response. Depending on how bad the breakup was, your stress hormones are anywhere from simmering to skyrocketing (a reaction that, like all of the below, can settle down after a few days or last for years)--and they're likely ratcheting up your blood pressure.
It's like clockwork: Your eyes hit that photo of the two of you and--boom! awful stomach pit. You feel sick, yet you can't look away. That's because the moment you saw his face, blood started rushing to your brain's pleasure center, the ventral segmental area. These are all the good times talking.
The command center for craving and longing also lights up. It demands attention--one reason you're obsessed with driving by your ex's house, stalking his Facebook page, or trying to replace him with some other satisfier.
But rejection also sends blood flow to two other areas: the secondary somatosensory cortex and the dorsal posterior insula, both involved in producing physical pain. That's why you may feel achy all over, not just in your heart.
Initially crowded out by the above responses, your left prefrontal cortex slowly starts to light up. This part of your brain is responsible for reassessment and evaluation--the one saying, Maybe it's for the best. A mere whisper now, this signal will get stronger as time goes on.
Your stressed-out nervous system signals your digestion to slow way down. Your stomach hurts, and you have zero appetite--except maybe for that pint of ice cream.
Immune System
The stress of rejection might agitate your body's immune system, leading to cell-damaging inflammation. The parts of your immune system that fight infection and keep viruses under control start to lose steam. You may get sick or develop a cold sore.
That free-flowing cortisol? It's triggering a pore-clogging oil buildup underneath your skin. Hence, why a broken heart is often accompanied by acne.
If you're totally devastated, some of the hair follicles on your head could enter a state called telogen effluvium. That's medspeak for "resting phase," in which your strands stop growing or, after a while, start falling out.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Riding bikes may be harmful to female sexual health
If you love riding bikes and you’re a woman, you’re in for some bad news: It could be hurting your sexual health.

It’s long been known that bike saddles, which put pressure on sensitive areas of the body, can harm the sexual performance of men, but cycling’s effect on the female anatomy was less well-known. Until now.
A new study at Yale, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, shows that riding bikes decreases women’s sexual sensation.
The theory behind the connection is that riding on a bike saddle places a lot of pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the genital area — and it turns out this happens whether you are man or woman.
The study builds on a 2006 study at Yale that showed, compared to female runners, female cyclists had less genital sensation.
The latest study looked specifically at what about bikes affect soreness and numbness in women. The participants were 48 female bike riders who cycled at least 10 miles a week, though many biked much more.
The riders brought to the lab their own bikes, which were then mounted onto a stationary
The subjects were hooked up to a device that measured sensation in the
pelvic floor, and they then rode on the bikes while reporting on
feelings of numbness, soreness and tingling.
The main finding was that the lower the handlebars, the more physical effects the women experienced, likely because low handlebars required the women to lean forward, which in turn put more pressure on the perineum, which is made of soft tissue. The problem was most likely to occur when the rider assumed an aerodynamic racing position in which she leaned far forward with her back flat.
“We’re basically showing that there may be modifiable risk factors associated with female riders,” Dr. Marsha K. Guess, an author of the study and an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the Yale School of Medicine, told The New York Times. “This better positions us to educate riders on safe riding practices that may actually be beneficial to reduction of pressure and lost sensation in the pelvic floor.”
In addition to raising handlebars, no-nose bike saddles (which you can see pictured here) also alleviate or eliminate the problem. Such bike saddles, in which the rider rests only on the pelvic “sit” bones, don’t require the rider to put any pressure on the perineum. As Dr. Steven M. Schrader, who pioneered the use of no-nose bike saddles for men, believes they would also help women. As he explained the The Times, “If you don’t put weight there,” he said, “there’s no pressure.”
It’s long been known that bike saddles, which put pressure on sensitive areas of the body, can harm the sexual performance of men, but cycling’s effect on the female anatomy was less well-known. Until now.
A new study at Yale, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, shows that riding bikes decreases women’s sexual sensation.
The theory behind the connection is that riding on a bike saddle places a lot of pressure on the nerves and blood vessels in the genital area — and it turns out this happens whether you are man or woman.
The study builds on a 2006 study at Yale that showed, compared to female runners, female cyclists had less genital sensation.
The latest study looked specifically at what about bikes affect soreness and numbness in women. The participants were 48 female bike riders who cycled at least 10 miles a week, though many biked much more.
The riders brought to the lab their own bikes, which were then mounted onto a stationary
The main finding was that the lower the handlebars, the more physical effects the women experienced, likely because low handlebars required the women to lean forward, which in turn put more pressure on the perineum, which is made of soft tissue. The problem was most likely to occur when the rider assumed an aerodynamic racing position in which she leaned far forward with her back flat.
“We’re basically showing that there may be modifiable risk factors associated with female riders,” Dr. Marsha K. Guess, an author of the study and an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences at the Yale School of Medicine, told The New York Times. “This better positions us to educate riders on safe riding practices that may actually be beneficial to reduction of pressure and lost sensation in the pelvic floor.”
In addition to raising handlebars, no-nose bike saddles (which you can see pictured here) also alleviate or eliminate the problem. Such bike saddles, in which the rider rests only on the pelvic “sit” bones, don’t require the rider to put any pressure on the perineum. As Dr. Steven M. Schrader, who pioneered the use of no-nose bike saddles for men, believes they would also help women. As he explained the The Times, “If you don’t put weight there,” he said, “there’s no pressure.”
Monday, 29 October 2012
PATRICKATION: FOR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PATRICKATION: FOR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Of age, maturity and relationships I saw a random quote the other day on a friend’s Facebook status that w...
FOR WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of age, maturity and relationships
I saw a random quote the other day on a friend’s Facebook status that went something like: “Little girls fall for looks and swag. Basic girls fall for the money. Grown up girls fall for stability and security.” I actually thought about it, and it did make a lot of sense to me.
As a young lady born and bred in Nairobi and in her “early” late 20’s I can attest to the above being true. Through my experiences I can freely tell you that I have studied men and their behaviors for quite some time. I started dating seriously when I was nineteen. I have dated men my age, men slightly older than me, men quite older than me, rich men, average men, smart men, hardworking men, lazy men and real hustlers. Come to think of it though, I’ve only seriously dated four men so feel free to distribute the aforementioned men’s traits among the four men I’ve dated.
Because of my four serious experiences I can easily tell you that I noticed that men mature with age while women (I’m speaking for myself and my experiences) grow wiser with age. And yes, age is always the determining factor as it has a lot to do with everything… especially the way people reason.
I have seen –and still see- girls throw themselves at men who they consider hot and full of swag and in turn these cute men end up treating them badly because according to them they are the “lookers” and the girl is the one who went fishing. Such men will look at things like; you brought yourself and forced things hence all the work should be upon you. Those who fall for swag and looks end up miserable as looks and swag is all that will feature in the relationship. Such men will never put any effort to the relationship so in the end, apart from being miserable you end up with just looks and swag which can neither feed nor clothe you plus you get to be treated like you don’t really matter.
Throwing yourself at a guy is never the best thing to do. Throwing yourself at a guy who isn’t into you and to make things worse, you are doing it for the purposes of looks and swag will put you in one endless roller coaster ride that will constantly leave you in a dark place like a little girl who can’t fend for herself in life.
Women who are only money minded also end up in the dumps as instead of a blissful, healthy relationship, they find themselves in a place where they constantly have to be dependent on somebody else to the point that it affects every other aspect of their lives which makes moving on in life for them pretty difficult. It all starts well until you realize that you are the one suffering. Since you are in it for the money, you sort of stop thinking about how you get treated. You are never sure of where Mr. Money bags is. You are always doubtful as you know there are other women out there who are just like you who will fall for your man the same way you did because of the money. You are always wondering who he is with and what he’s up to. All those business trips he takes, who he travels with, who he meets up with? What he does with his money, how many young girls he has tried to impress by buying them cars and taking them to expensive exotic trips… Life just passes you by because you never took the time to learn how to provide for yourself because you always knew that Mr. Money bags will always take care of you and your needs and you got comfortable. But you will never be at peace in your relationship as everything about you becomes just Basic!

Women in the last category (those who look for stability and security) know what they want, how they want it and when they want it. They plan, they work, and they have been there and have done that and therefore are settled in their minds. They don’t just jump into things without thinking them through. They have gone through the phases of falling for the cute, broke guy, to the ugly guy with tons of cash to the average looking guy with an average wallet.
For taking time to understand life and its processes you get rewarded with some peace of mind. You get rewarded with a bearable life in which you have a say in whatever it is that concerns you. You have a say in how you control your finances, you have a say in how you do everything in your house and you have a say in your relationship and best of all in your life. When you are stable in your own life you will think of others and even assist in helping to build them to become better people. You are a grown up!
So, do I think settling down with a woman who looks for a stable, secure life, knows how things work, knows how relationships work is the ideal thing to do. I sure do think so. Is the subject of men and maturity, women and wisdom valid? I give you a resounding YES!
So, as a woman what do you think? and where do you fall? Are you a Little girl, a Basic girl, or a Grown up girl?
As a young lady born and bred in Nairobi and in her “early” late 20’s I can attest to the above being true. Through my experiences I can freely tell you that I have studied men and their behaviors for quite some time. I started dating seriously when I was nineteen. I have dated men my age, men slightly older than me, men quite older than me, rich men, average men, smart men, hardworking men, lazy men and real hustlers. Come to think of it though, I’ve only seriously dated four men so feel free to distribute the aforementioned men’s traits among the four men I’ve dated.
Because of my four serious experiences I can easily tell you that I noticed that men mature with age while women (I’m speaking for myself and my experiences) grow wiser with age. And yes, age is always the determining factor as it has a lot to do with everything… especially the way people reason.
I have seen –and still see- girls throw themselves at men who they consider hot and full of swag and in turn these cute men end up treating them badly because according to them they are the “lookers” and the girl is the one who went fishing. Such men will look at things like; you brought yourself and forced things hence all the work should be upon you. Those who fall for swag and looks end up miserable as looks and swag is all that will feature in the relationship. Such men will never put any effort to the relationship so in the end, apart from being miserable you end up with just looks and swag which can neither feed nor clothe you plus you get to be treated like you don’t really matter.
Throwing yourself at a guy is never the best thing to do. Throwing yourself at a guy who isn’t into you and to make things worse, you are doing it for the purposes of looks and swag will put you in one endless roller coaster ride that will constantly leave you in a dark place like a little girl who can’t fend for herself in life.
Women who are only money minded also end up in the dumps as instead of a blissful, healthy relationship, they find themselves in a place where they constantly have to be dependent on somebody else to the point that it affects every other aspect of their lives which makes moving on in life for them pretty difficult. It all starts well until you realize that you are the one suffering. Since you are in it for the money, you sort of stop thinking about how you get treated. You are never sure of where Mr. Money bags is. You are always doubtful as you know there are other women out there who are just like you who will fall for your man the same way you did because of the money. You are always wondering who he is with and what he’s up to. All those business trips he takes, who he travels with, who he meets up with? What he does with his money, how many young girls he has tried to impress by buying them cars and taking them to expensive exotic trips… Life just passes you by because you never took the time to learn how to provide for yourself because you always knew that Mr. Money bags will always take care of you and your needs and you got comfortable. But you will never be at peace in your relationship as everything about you becomes just Basic!
Women in the last category (those who look for stability and security) know what they want, how they want it and when they want it. They plan, they work, and they have been there and have done that and therefore are settled in their minds. They don’t just jump into things without thinking them through. They have gone through the phases of falling for the cute, broke guy, to the ugly guy with tons of cash to the average looking guy with an average wallet.
For taking time to understand life and its processes you get rewarded with some peace of mind. You get rewarded with a bearable life in which you have a say in whatever it is that concerns you. You have a say in how you control your finances, you have a say in how you do everything in your house and you have a say in your relationship and best of all in your life. When you are stable in your own life you will think of others and even assist in helping to build them to become better people. You are a grown up!
So, do I think settling down with a woman who looks for a stable, secure life, knows how things work, knows how relationships work is the ideal thing to do. I sure do think so. Is the subject of men and maturity, women and wisdom valid? I give you a resounding YES!
So, as a woman what do you think? and where do you fall? Are you a Little girl, a Basic girl, or a Grown up girl?
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
How much of a man one feels it should have nothing to do with the amount with the amount of money that he has,it should come from deeper within himself.
In this extrema materialistic world,both men and women are in danger of forgetting the real meaning of being man enough.there is danger of 'man enough'being changed to 'rich enough' that would be sad because the number of rich men is rather negligible-we would have few real men.Some women will lose respect for a man as soon as he becomes skint,but that only means the respect was bubble-gum and conditional.
You are the man you think you are,many men understandably so,tend to quantify their manhood according to their bank accounts.The reckon they are if the bank account is treading close to the zero mark,so does their mental manhood.A man is allowed to feel temporarily down if he is unable to be the bread-winner,but it would be unforgivable for him to think himself less of a man.A man,however is not allowed to feel sorry for himself there are four thing less attractive than a man feeling woie for himself.
If a man fails at a major project or loses his job,he is forgiven for being angry and sad but he cannot be forgiven for measuring his manhood against the negatives.Mourning is off the card for men-their is nothing manly about it and the energy could be channeled into another project.This is for men who feel sorry for themselves and complains that women do not like them because they are not rich;you are less a man because you believe you are,not because a woman makes you feel like a lesser a man.Essentially,you are the only one who can allow a women to being you down ,you might be broke,but you still have a functioning body and brain especially in this of trouble:it is what you a man or not depending on whether you value yourself or not.
Finally,if you only think of yourself as man enough you are rolling in mullah,then you have huge self-esteem issues.You need to work an yourself before trying to get rich.Riches comes and go,being man enough should be permanent state,with or without money.Being man enough has nothing to do with the ability to live in leafy suburb or driving a humongous car;a real man never feels the need to prove himself,he just does the right thing like respect himself and respect his woman.Money is only complimentary to a man's character or self worth

You are the man you think you are,many men understandably so,tend to quantify their manhood according to their bank accounts.The reckon they are if the bank account is treading close to the zero mark,so does their mental manhood.A man is allowed to feel temporarily down if he is unable to be the bread-winner,but it would be unforgivable for him to think himself less of a man.A man,however is not allowed to feel sorry for himself there are four thing less attractive than a man feeling woie for himself.
If a man fails at a major project or loses his job,he is forgiven for being angry and sad but he cannot be forgiven for measuring his manhood against the negatives.Mourning is off the card for men-their is nothing manly about it and the energy could be channeled into another project.This is for men who feel sorry for themselves and complains that women do not like them because they are not rich;you are less a man because you believe you are,not because a woman makes you feel like a lesser a man.Essentially,you are the only one who can allow a women to being you down ,you might be broke,but you still have a functioning body and brain especially in this of trouble:it is what you a man or not depending on whether you value yourself or not.
Finally,if you only think of yourself as man enough you are rolling in mullah,then you have huge self-esteem issues.You need to work an yourself before trying to get rich.Riches comes and go,being man enough should be permanent state,with or without money.Being man enough has nothing to do with the ability to live in leafy suburb or driving a humongous car;a real man never feels the need to prove himself,he just does the right thing like respect himself and respect his woman.Money is only complimentary to a man's character or self worth
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