You are the man you think you are,many men understandably so,tend to quantify their manhood according to their bank accounts.The reckon they are if the bank account is treading close to the zero mark,so does their mental manhood.A man is allowed to feel temporarily down if he is unable to be the bread-winner,but it would be unforgivable for him to think himself less of a man.A man,however is not allowed to feel sorry for himself there are four thing less attractive than a man feeling woie for himself.
If a man fails at a major project or loses his job,he is forgiven for being angry and sad but he cannot be forgiven for measuring his manhood against the negatives.Mourning is off the card for men-their is nothing manly about it and the energy could be channeled into another project.This is for men who feel sorry for themselves and complains that women do not like them because they are not rich;you are less a man because you believe you are,not because a woman makes you feel like a lesser a man.Essentially,you are the only one who can allow a women to being you down ,you might be broke,but you still have a functioning body and brain especially in this of trouble:it is what you a man or not depending on whether you value yourself or not.
Finally,if you only think of yourself as man enough you are rolling in mullah,then you have huge self-esteem issues.You need to work an yourself before trying to get rich.Riches comes and go,being man enough should be permanent state,with or without money.Being man enough has nothing to do with the ability to live in leafy suburb or driving a humongous car;a real man never feels the need to prove himself,he just does the right thing like respect himself and respect his woman.Money is only complimentary to a man's character or self worth
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