Monday, 11 June 2012


 America legalizing gayism,what!Will the African state do the same..some have done it like south Africa.?but wait in Africa the practice is taboo.that makes me to check the meaning of TABOO..according to wikipendia A taboo is a vehement prohibition of an action based on the belief that such behavior is either too sacred or too accursed for ordinary individuals to undertake, under threat of supernatural punishment.

In Kenya we witness gay activist uniting and demonstrating in capitals streets wanting their rights to be addressed and be treated like normal human they demonstrated here in Kenya there campaigns on the ground  to toughen the penalty.

An Zimbabwean minister has ordered traditional leaders to seize land belonging to homosexuals and expel them from their communities that is how the issue homosexuality is so un African and Zimbabwe's president Robert Mugabe told British prime minister David Cameron"to hell with you" over his call to respect gay right and accused non -governmental organization of trying to destabilize the country, in Kenya mtwapa in 12 Feb 2010 we witness a mob wanting to attack a man who had taken refuge in a house,the mob attacked five of the gay men before the police intervened but Mr Tsvangirai,who formed an inclusive government with president Mugabe in 2009,last year he told the BBC he would not oppose provisions on gay rights if the majority of Zimbabweans wanted them in the constitution"its a very controversial subject in my part of the world",he said

The irony of it is their neighbors South Africa legalized same-sex marriage when the Civil Union Act came to force on 30th November 2006.restriction the parties to a marriage or civil partnership must be 18 or older and not already married or civilly partnered. The prohibited degrees of affinity and consanguinity that apply under the Marriage Act also apply under the Civil Union Act; thus a person may not marry his or her direct ancestor or descendant, sibling, uncle or aunt, niece or nephew, or the ancestor or descendant of an ex-spouse.

Are the Western leaders influencing or trying to force Africans to embrace homosexuality.?

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